Welcome to : Wood Nymph Heart
Welcome to : Wood Nymph Heart Welcome to : Wood Nymph Heart Welcome to : Wood Nymph Heart Welcome to : Wood Nymph Heart
Four deer were running through backyards where I used to live years ago, and started toward a busy road, I called them to me directing them down a side road to the woods!! This is all four as they passed me going to where I was directing them!!
Welcome to : WoodNymphHeart.Fun
What is this site?? What is Wood Nymph Heart?
It's My own view of Life. I have a "Wood Nymph Heart"... full of Love, Kindness, Beauty, Goodness, Generosity, Belief, Faith, Hope, Empathy, and Enthusiasm and FUN. I'm quite sure there are many more out there with this same Heart!! Ohh, I'm Rett, by the way.
Now a tad about me... Horses were MY "First Love." I'm a born animal lover, Writer, Poet, nature lover, cloud dreamer, sky watcher, and Love all things beautiful. I'm forever the optimist... ALWAYS BELIEVING!! I believe where there's life there's hope. I believe OUR Thoughts can change, AND DO, CHANGE OUR LIFES!
According to myth ~~ Wood Nymphs were caregivers of Nature. They watched over / presided over, all manner of natural phenomenon. Woods / forest, beaches, creeks, clouds, fields/meadows, caves/caverns were all under their care. All flowers, trees, plants, and Animals were their responsibility in their domains.
I'm adding my own thoughts to this and taking it a step farther by asking a simple question: "What if some of us are "Wood Nymphs"? Who's to say we aren't...LOL. At the very least we have "Wood Nymph Hearts" !! I think we are truly blessed to have these hearts. Caring from the heart is Love... God like love. So we are special... Wood Nymphs also commune with Animals... we hear their thoughts... smile. They seek us out.
About 3 years ago, a group of four whitetail deer came running through back yards. (Where I then lived.) They were two back yards away from me... about 400 ft. They turned and headed right toward a busy road. I screamed "No this way!" as I waved them toward me. Then all four, turned again, and came straight toward me passing about 8 feet to my left!! Then I directed them right, down a blacktopped (asphalt) road to the safety of the woods. It was an absolutely amazing encounter. "Amazing" being the only way to describe it!! These types of situations have happened all my life. They are "Normal" for me... yet never fail to amaze me.
Birds stop and talk to me regularly! I truly commune with Animals. It's a God Given Gift and ALSO a big responsibility in my heart... as I feel very bad if I can't help an animal... that is hurt, lost, thrown away, abandoned, etc. I have to remind myself I am one person and I cannot save all animals everywhere, even if I would like to do so.
(My Dad was a hunter... he taught me to hunt, track, and clean any animal he killed. HE ALSO taught me you NEVER kill an animal unless it's for food purposes. HE VALUED ALL LIFE. He said God made all life and it's to be respected. I have never hunted unless it's with a camera lens, but I can shoot, track, and follow better than most professional trackers. My Dad taught me about the woods, how to "walk" over muddy areas, how to tell the different animal tracks... How to tell what trail they made or what path they followed.)
Life has been stressful the last year (2022)... I've nearly forgotten myself. That's one reason I made this site... to remember ME... I need to be allowed to be me. I want to talk to the birds, commune with the deer, play with the rabbits, cloud watch. I want to be me... even though I live in a "human world"... meaning all the stresses of everyday life. That doesn't mean I should lose myself... or be criticized for being myself. I work hard to keep a clean home, cook, clean, run errands, pay bills, do a hundred things a week to keep up with things. Take care of a family, and my husband. Many days I go from dawn well past dark without stopping or having time for me. I stay busy, and work hard to help my family. I give and give hoping it's appreciated. I try to care for everyone... to make sure they have all the things they need, and are comfortable.
I MUST remember to CARE for ME... Never allow your joy to be taken... Never forget YOU are just as important as the people YOU care for. YOU must remember to CARE for YOURSELF. Take that hour long bubble bath... Curl up in a big comfortable chair and read a book... any book you like!! (I love reading Nancy Drew Mysteries... even if they are for teens... I love them. They are so easy to read in a night or two... and just take me away to an easy adventure that I KNOW has a good ending!) Cook for yourself one evening...when you are alone... TREAT YOU with all the love and care you do others. YOU, Your heart, yourself is just as important. Even the Bible states you must love yourself before you can love others!!
With animals and nature... My Wood Nymph Heart ~~ I know I'm loved. It's so simple... not complicated as it can be many times with people. Animals are honest... they LOVE ME ~~ ALL the time. They love you all the time. Nature calms my soul and makes communing with God and hearing HIS voice easy.
If you read this regularly (my blog) you will hear me refer to the Bible and God. (I'm not preaching... but this IS My site thus I can refer to things I believe. I'm not asking you to believe... I'm sharing my thoughts on my site. ) Even the Bible mentions people are given gifts... some several, some one... Why have we (people in general) forgotten that God himself has given US GIFTS?? He loved Us enough to give his best... Jesus, his only son. AND HE GAVE US other GIFTS? Even Jesus said "if you believe you shall do these things I've done and greater still..." HOW AMAZING is this statement?? How can we be depressed very long KNOWING these things?? Hmmmm....??
My point ~~ We are Special... each person on earth is special to God. He said even the hairs on your head are numbered... ??? HOW AMAZING that we are loved SO MUCH! So I can be a Wood Nymph if I want to be...lol. By nature I love Animals... and Trees... and Children. It's part of my makeup... Me... My core... I could be in New York city and an animal would find me!! I attract children... little kids follow me around the store... they smile and wave and talk... The wind blows when I walk across a parking lot. Yes, I'm special... We all are in God's Eyes.
This site is where I can say what I want... Post what I want. Believe what I want, and Dream what I want !! I can, and will, write here and not be judged, fussed at, blamed, or face discouragement, or rage of any sort... This site is MINE> All things GOOD... All things Happy, All things of Love...
There's enough bad, enough anger, and hurt in the world. I'm a realist and I'm fully aware of that. I've had my share of hurts... enough for several lifetimes over. I'm no stranger to hurts. Here, however, I would mostly like to concentrate on the "Whatsoever things are Good". I'm also a Dreamer and a BELIEVER and know our thoughts affect (and effect) our actions and life. I'm creating this site as my happy place where (as the Bible says) All Good things are possible!!
I think if more people followed the Golden Rule: "Do Unto Others AS YOU Would HAVE Them Do Unto YOU" that our world would be a MUCH BETTER Place! I think if more people were humble instead of prideful than we would have more empathy in general and a better life overall. My Daddy used the old saying... "Walk a mile in their shoes before you come to any conclusions." I don't mean we can't have pride in our achievements, our work, our life... That's not what I mean (and I don't think that's what the Bible means). I mean don't be so prideful that you'd rather keep your pride than admit your blame... or wrong. The Bible states "pride goth before a fall". Lord knows I've fell enough in life and I don't mind being humble. All I ask is appreciate my humbleness instead of thinking I'm being weak. I assure you I'm not!
SOOO this is my happy place. I can write poetry... post photos... share thoughts... I needed a place to enjoy ~~~>>>> My ~~ Wood Nymph Heart... So now I have one... It's my place. You are welcomed as long as you are nice... You are invited to look, browse, enjoy. This site is for my own heart... My place to post as I see fit... for myself to enjoy. If you disagree that's you. If you only come here to gripe or fuss or criticize please move on. There are many other sites for that. If you come here to enjoy and share my encouragement, beauty, fun, photos, poems, smiles, hopes and wonder, then please browse.
ALL photos, poems, notes, sayings, personal quotes, stories, etc. are fully copy righted by me before, and after, placement here and may not be recreated or reposted or copied anywhere online (or printed, or used in any way) without my express written consent.
All Rights Strictly Reserved by: Loretta Ann (Bowman) Young /
Rett ~~ February 2022
If you are interested in My site, life, encouragement, etc. you are welcomed to sign up.
Email: WoodNymphHeart@gmail.com
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