Being a Gentleman to your Woman can be learned by any MAN.
I prefer a Gentleman. What do I mean by this? I want a man who is kind... truly kind, that can and will control his anger or "bad side". Someone mature enough NOT to play emotional games, like teenagers sometimes play when they are beginning to date! Gentlemen are secure enough in themselves to "honor" their women with truth, love, loyalty, and humbleness. They have no chip on their shoulders toward the women they love.
These men are never in competition with their women. They have enough good sense to realize their women want them to stand behind their dreams and goals and, gentlemen, WILL, willing do this for the women they love, without anger, resentment, or complaints. These men will "TALK" things out with their women, each helping the other to come to good decisions on all things concerning them as a couple. (When you two are a couple then ALL Things do concern you both! There is no "me"... but only "We" and "Us". ) These discussions are adult, meaning without anger, resentment, yelling or threats.
ATTENTION MEN: This does not mean you are "pussy whipped"... it does not mean you are "Kissing your woman's a**". It means you are being a GENTLE Man and honoring, cherishing and loving YOUR WOMAN!! (If other men see your action of openly loving your woman as those things, then they are sad and weak in their thoughts, or perhaps jealous of your love.)
Gentlemen do NOT pout like babies or rage like lunatics!! Neither do they sulk and "mulk" for hours or days, giving their women angry looks!! ("MULK" is my own word for sulking around depressed and angry.... ) Yes, gentlemen may get angry as anyone does... but even the Bible states you may "get angry but sin not"... meaning do not say harsh, mean, ugly words that you cannot take back. Do not put your woman down, diminish her, blame her, threaten her, bully her or abuse her!! The Bible states for husbands to honor and protect their wives and "be not harsh with her".
Gentlemen always put their woman first. (SHE IS HIS NUMBER ONE!! NOT just when it's convenient for him, but ALWAYS!!)
These "gentlemen" do not yell or rage at their woman.
They do not withhold their love, affection, attention (or sex) from their women as angry punishment. (Any therapist will tell you this destroys a relationship over time or sometimes quickly... for a husband or wife to withhold their love and affection from their spouse out of anger. It causes deep hurt and after a while alienates the spouse that is constantly being "punished" by being refused hugs, love, affection and kind conversations.)
~~~~ I want a man that will "escort" me... whether we are going into a grocery store, to a theater, a concert or just across the street. I want him to take my arm or hand and escort me kindly with consideration across the street or where ever we may be going.
~~~~ A gentleman does not leave his woman behind and walk in front of her (unless protecting her from flying bullets...LOL) across a street or parking lot expecting her to follow him.... This is just simply rude and turns my stomach in all honesty.
~~~~ Gentlemen always put their women first in consideration... by this I mean:
~~~~ Opening the car door for her to at least get in the vehicle, if not also out...
~~~~ Always opening the door and holding it for her when entering a building or exiting a building (Unless of course he's carrying something and his hands are full.) He always allows her to enter first.
~~~~ A gentleman treats his woman with respect and kindness and patience ALWAYS... (This does not mean he doesn't have his own opinion and it doesn't mean he must always agree with her... it DOES mean he's ALWAYS respectful and kind and loving in his manner and words and deeds!)
~~~~ Gentlemen take pride in being neat, clean and organized. He doesn't have to be perfect... no one is. He doesn't have to be OCD clean. He is not obsessed with his looks... but he likes himself enough to be clean and take care of his hygiene and health for himself AND for His LADY / His WOMAN!
~~~~ A gentleman will always think of his woman.... and find romantic ways to show her with his actions he thinks of her. (These do not necessarily have to be expensive things.) He will bring for flowers (not just on holidays) but just because he thought of her and wanted her to know. He will take her to dinner sitting close to her, not across the table from her, he will watch movies she likes not just his choices all the time. He will make every day romantic, just with everyday kindnesses, several warm lingering hugs, kisses of pleasures to come. ~~~~ Simple things such as bringing her a cup of coffee like she likes it... falling asleep with her in his arms, waking her with a soft kiss. These are the things that make everyday life a fairytale romance! (I personally want several hugs through the day... to me sex begins long before you enter the bedroom.) (I think it's safe to say many women feel like this. ) The Gentleman will KNOW this and through the day show his woman affection and attention through hugs, touch, holding hands and kisses. These are things a GENTLEMAN will always do without tire because it is engrained in his nature to truly CARE for his woman.
~~~~ Gentlemen are never embarrassed by PDAs (public displays of affection).
If you are a man, and embarrassed because someone saw you kiss your wife good bye in the parking lot at work, or saw you hug her close at the movie theater, or saw you sit hugged to her side for a kiss in a restaurant, then you have a problem! WOMEN NEED TOUCH>>> AND DAILY ~~ this BONDS them to their man. IF you as a man are embarrassed to hug, kiss, or hold your woman in public then you truly have a serious issue you need to resolve. (There's an old saying that if a man doesn't love and hold his woman, just to punish her, then he's sitting up the "some one will" scenario.) NO MAN should EVER do that!! The Gentleman will never reject his woman. He is TOO WISE to do so!!
Not being kind to your woman, trying to punish her by withholding your affection is one of the worse things a man can do. If you, as a man, do this over time YOU WOMAN will adjust, seek, and find a way without you. She WILL eventually make her OWN life.
EVERY MAN can become Gentleman... BUT he must BECOME a gentleman from HIS heart, not just pretend to be, and then tire of it, because he's in a hurry, or having a bad day. A true gentleman IS A GENTLEMAN... ALL THE TIME... it becomes HIS NATURE!!
Become a gentleman and see how your woman blooms with you!!
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